The recipient of the grant must report how the received grant was used. The report is given electronically in the pages of the foundation. Use your own username and password to sign in.
The report of the research grant must be done within 1 year from receiving the grant (date is the date of the Board meeting of the foundation when the grant was given). The report can be either annual or it can be the final report depending on the stage of the research.
The report of the travel grant must be given within 3 months of travel – or – if the travel has been completed already, within 3 months of the date when the grant was given.
If the grant was given for other purposes, it should be reported as the research grant within 1 year from receiving the grant.
The length of the report must be a maximum of 1 page. The report must include the type of grant, date when given, how the grant was used and what has been completed with the grant.
In the annual report of the research grant, the phase of the research project should be described and how the granted money has been used so far.
In the final report of the research grant, a full report of the use of the grant should be given.